Festive presentation of innovation award

The award ceremony took place on Wednesday, July 1st, 2015, in the presence of numerous representatives from the IT industry, economy, and Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) in Darmstadt, Germany.

© Deutschland - Land der Ideen/Daniela Mortara
The MTG AG Darmstadt encryption software CryptoController has been honored as winners in the nationwide innovation contest "Landmarks in the Land of Ideas" in the category economy. The award ceremony took place on Wednesday, July 1st, 2015, in the presence of numerous representatives from the IT industry, the economy and the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) in Darmstadt, Germany. A jury of expert scientists, business managers, journalists and politicians together with the Advisory Board selected MTG from over 1,000 applications as the winner.
More and more servers, machines and other digital devices communicate in smart energy grids and other “critical infrastructures” (e.g. Smart Home, Smart Grids, Industry 4.0, etc.). These networks must therefore be protected from exploits such as cyber attacks. This is a challenge for all companies involved. The availability of the CryptoController by MTG is a security building block that programmers can easily and quickly integrate to secure control of their intelligent machines.

The current implementation of security standards is grossly negligent says board member Tamer Kemeröz: "In the future, we will look back in disbelief at the current state of IT security just as we do nowadays about driving without seat belts, airbags or child seats."
The initiative "Germany - Land of Ideas" and Deutsche Bank distinguished projects in the competition that provided answers to the challenges of digital transformation. CEO Jürgen Ruf commented on the award: "We very pleased with the initiative because it puts the spotlight on visionary companies such as ours and makes our sensitive topics available to the public." He added: "just the recent hacking attack against the Parliament shows that the issue of security still isn’t sufficiently solved. We close these vulnerabilities with the CryptoController, especially in the energy industry."
Markus Georg of Deutsche Bank presented the award to the MTG board member Jürgen Ruf and Tamer Kemeröz and stressed: "In the future, this topic will- regardless if it’s the communication between two machines or for the security of our digital identity- gain an even greater importance."
Bernd Kowalski, head of Department of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), has pointed out: "the safety of intelligent measuring systems and the smart grid as a critical infrastructure depends on innovative IT security solutions from the industry, which will contribute to the use of BSI-certified Smart Meter Gateways.